International Conferences
“Urban Governance in the Network Society: France, Thailand and Japan”
Date-Time: January 19-20, 2017
Venue: Lyon, France
Participants at this conference shared experience and views related to good governance of the city and social networks. Participants included academics and practitioners from various entities in France, Japan, and Thailand who discussed city politics, city policy, city planning, city open data, etc. These issues are in line with the new concept of city management at the municipality or local government organization. Participants recognized the need to integrate cooperation with the public in the city management. This is now more feasible given the progress of information technology which gives all sectors the opportunity to participate at very little cost.
Following the international conference, UddC exchanged knowledge with well-known French design and development agencies such as the SPL la Part-Dieu, the City Development Corporation at Lyon City & Metropole de Lyon, L'AUC City and Architecture Design, founded by François Decoster, Ile de France's Regional Management and Planning, APUR Atelier Parisien d'Urbanisme or Paris Planning Agency, Pavillon de l'Arsenal or Center for Architecture and Urbanism, which is also the exhibition center for architecture and the city of Paris.
Urban Design and Development Center (UddC)
Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University
Chula Global Network (CGN)
Collegium de Lyon
LabEx Intelligences des Mondes Urbains (LabEx IMU)
Université de Lyon
Métropole de Lyon
Ecole nationale des travaux publics de l'Etat (ENTPE)
Atelier Parisien d'Urbanisme (APUR)
School of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo
International Alliance for Sustainable Urbanization and Regeneration (IASUR)
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Kyushu University