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Bangkok250 Phase 2


“From a project to an urban development partnership network”

The Bangkok250 Project Phase 2 is a collaboration between the BMA’s Department of City Planning and UddC as the project implementer. This phase gives importance to the development and rehabilitation plan of the city. The operational model and conceptual framework are in line with the Bangkok250 Phase 1 project, which has identified key projects and urgent issues for urban rehabilitation in the following three pilot areas:

1) Tha Prachan - Tha Chang - Tha Tian area to become a historical district

2) Yothi-Ratchawithi area to be revived as a seamless public service area for learning

3) Thonglor-Ekkamai area to become a place for international skilled workers, high-end residences, and trend-setting economic development.


The project has the objective of creating detailed architectural and engineering drawings which depict the design of urban communities in areas of significance across the dimensions of historical events, archeology, and architecture.  The project includes the development of guidelines for urban landscape promotion, urban planning measures, and project management planning, as well as steps to recruit investors and partners for project implementation.

The UddC as the core driver of the project has created a network of good quality public areas, and common areas for development between tenants or former residents and land owners or area developers.  This was achieved by careful negotiations and discussions of the potential mutual benefit with each party involved. This project serves as a prototype for other multi-sectoral projects to emulate.



Project Name : Project for hiring consultants for surveying, planning, designing, detailing, and appraisal for the 2015 City Planning Fair, Bangkok 250 Phase 2 and 3 pilot areas

Location : Tha Phra Chan-Tha Chang-Tha Tien, Yothee-Rajavithee, Thonglor-Ekamai
Area :   Tha Phra Chan-Tha Chang-Tha Tien 2.80
           Yothee-Rajavithee 2.15
           Thonglor-Ekamai 2.40

Client : Department of City Planning and Urban Development, BMA
Year : 2016
Status : Research and Study, Urban Design 
Program / Role : กSurvey, Research, Masterplan Design
Partners :
The Land Process Co., and N7A Co.,

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